Blade & Soul Reeling Depths

Reeling Depths

Need... more... demonic blood..! More!

Once a dungeon gnawed into the earth north of Kungcho Island's Commerce District, a volcanic eruption reduced it to ash. In its wake, a notorious pit festered, known as the Reeling Depths. This wasn't a mere prison anymore, but a haven for scum that crawled with the vilest dregs of society. Liars spun webs, thieves with nimble fingers filched valuables, and runaway killers scurried with glinting daggers. But deeper still, a far more insidious horror lurked beneath the surface of the Reeling Depths. 

The Umbral Bloom, a sinister flora native to the Dark Realm, can be identified by its ominous dark petals and blood-red stamens. Unlike the flora of the Earthen Realm, which thrive on sunlight, water, and soil, this nightmarish bloom feeds solely on Dark Chi. Though the Umbral Bloom naturally flourishes only in its native Dark Realm, the Inheritors' research lab achieved the seemingly impossible: cultivating a strain of the Umbral Bloom that could grow in the Earthen Realm, defying natural laws. The extract derived from this bloom, saturated with condensed Dark Chi, transforms any creature that consumes it into a formidable, mutated entity.

Initially, the Inheritors experimented by transfusing synthetic demon blood, laced with the extract, into Demonic Beasts. However, the scarcity of demon blood rendered this method unsustainable. As a grim alternative, they resorted to feeding the beasts animals injected with the extract, yet the limited livestock on the island forced their hand towards a more abhorrent solution. The residents of the Reeling Depths, injected with the Umbral Bloom extract, were sacrificed as mere fodder to these ravenous Demonic Beasts, their humanity stripped away in the name of grotesque experimentation.

With each passing moment, more lives are sacrificed to the abyss of the Reeling Depths, and the monstrous creations within grow ever more powerful. Dare to venture into this hellish pit and confront the horrors that lurk below, before countless more souls are lost to the darkness.


Difficulty Adjustments

Prior to Release

Please note that these are not official translations by NC America. The text has been translated independently and may be inaccurate.


Blade & Soul Reeling Depths

Outlook of the entrance

Location of the instance

Kungcho Island > Yongin Plateau > Commerce District

Level design

Boss Encounters

Blade & Soul Reeling Depths Mayaka

Mayaka — "Bloodsucker"

A Demonic Beast considered among the strongest by the spectators in the arena.

A high-ranking Inheritor Officer who failed a vital mission and was forced to become the test subject for a new mutation process. After being injected with Umbral Bloom extract and surviving a battery of dangerous experiments, the man was reborn as a demonic creature and given the name Yakan.











Merchant Shop — Gang Sanghae

Wheel of Fate

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7


Busting into Beorn's Abode

What Lies Beneath the Quarry

Into the Cobra's Maw

The Operation Must Go On

Umbral Purge


Reeling Depths Deep Clean

Reeling Depths Challenger - Stage 1/2/3

Reeling Depths Master - Stage 1/2/3

Reeling Depths Conqueror - Stage 1/2/3

Reeling Depths Legend - Stage 1/2/3

Umbral Bloom Burn