Abyssal Throne

The Divines cannot see this deep.

Choi Jina's curiosity was piqued by intercepted clandestine correspondence from a suspect. The words hinted at a mysterious, powerful throne. The elusive gateway remained hidden, defying the Stratus's relentless pursuit.

But Choi Jina was not one to be deterred. She suspected the Ebondrake were using a different method to access their hidden domains. She turned to an old ally, Minjae, a courageous defector who had made a daring escape from the clutches of the Ebondrake, albeit at the cost of his sight.

Minjae revealed that the Ebondrake leaders' insignias were gate keys. These symbols unlocked access to realms where secrets of darkness lay dormant. The throne, Jina learned, was never meant for mortal rulers; it had a more sinister purpose - to herald the coming of the malevolent 'Dragon of Darkness,' an entity that the cult fervently believed would descend upon the realm and plunge it into an eternal night, an unyielding darkness that would consume all.

Driven by an unwavering conviction, the Ebondrake pursued the creation of an avatar capable of harnessing the ancient dragon's power through grotesque mutations. With the Dowager's demise, Batara, a cunning military commander, saw an opportunity to fill the leadership void and transform himself into an abomination. He drew inspiration from the nightmarish experiments of Doctor Gyojak, a man whose name alone sent shivers down spines.

The Stratus embarked on their journey to the ancient temple complex that bridged the Dark Realm and the Earthen Realm. It was there that the transformed Ebondrake Hierarch awaited, ready to become the accursed avatar of the sinister Dark Lord, a figure worthy of the cult's deepest reverence and darkest ambitions.



Blade & Soul Abyssal Throne Dungeon - Entrance

Outlook of the entrance

Blade & Soul Abyssal Throne Dungeon - World Map Mini Map

Location of the instance

Dasari Palace > Blackmoon Sanctum > Abyssal Throne Entrance
Blade & Soul Abyssal Throne Dungeon - World Map Mini Map

Level design

Boss Encounters

Blade & Soul Abyssal Throne Dungeon - Heuksum Boss

Heuksum — "Ebondrake Elite"

Be mindful of Heuksum's deadly attack, flooding the battlefield with corrupting energy. To survive, outmaneuver the boss by moving to the opposite end of the arena when marked with Brand. As the tainted tide approaches, embrace the knockback from the boss' attack, using it to your advantage by repositioning yourself and your party to avoid the lethal overflow.

Blade & Soul Abyssal Throne Dungeon - Batara Boss

Batara — "Ebondrake Hierarch"

Batara, a high-ranking member of the Dowager's council, infused with malevolent Demonic Energy. Batara possesses and mutates its enemies to inflict the might of the Black Dragon.


Easy Difficulty Rewards

Normal Difficulty Rewards

Hard Difficulty Rewards


The Abyssal Throne

The Search for the Throne

A Vessel for the Dragon of Darkness

Deep Passage

Vessel Versus Vessel (Easy/Normal/Hard)


Power in Hand

Abyssal Throne Expert - Stage 1/2/3

Abyssal Throne Master - Stage 1/2/3

Abyssal Throne Conqueror - Stage 1/2/3

Abyssal Throne Legend - Stage 1/2/3

A Quick Exit