Mushin's Tower - 20th Floor

My time as a monk has ended. Let me show you what I have learned, my friend!

In a bygone era, when the Naryu Empire reigned supreme over the world, the most venerable and learned sages of that age embarked upon the monumental task of erecting an imposing tower of legendary proportions that rose so high, it seemed to reach the heavens themselves. The sole purpose of this towering edifice was to train and prepare Mushin, the rightful heir of the Naryu Empire's royal line. It was believed that only by subjecting Mushin to an arduous regimen of rigorous training, that included combat against the most formidable and diverse array of adversaries imaginable, could he rise to godlike status, exceeding all other mortal men with his awe-inspiring martial prowess.

Warriors from every corner of the globe were drawn to the challenge and allure of Mushin's Tower, seeking to test their mettle and earn the right to face Mushin himself in a glorious one-on-one battle of martial arts supremacy.

The tower was sealed away after Mushin's passing, its grand doors shut tight, and its secrets lost to the mists of time. However, with the world plunged into chaos and turmoil due to the nefarious schemes of Jinsoyun, the tower has once again opened its majestic portals. Martial artists from every walk of life have flocked to the tower, eager to take on its daunting challenges, conquer its myriad dangers, and prove themselves worthy of the legendary Mushin's legacy.

Boss Encounters

Sulha; Yungha — "Searstrike Sisters"

The Searstrike Sisters, Yungha and Minah, work together to keep you subdued.

Ik Hun — "Master Warlock"

Ik Hun is one of the most powerful Warlocks in the Realm, second to Sanzu the great herself. Don't underestimate him!

Hwonku; Baiku

Hwonku and Baiku, the bad tempered giant babies, haven't had their nap and need to be put to sleep... One at a time.

Jorak; Hina; Rojung; Aela — "Kismet Fighter"

The Kismet clan, Joint Technique experts, will select two of their members for you to defeat.

Yunsang — "Newly Enlightened"

Yunsang, the former leader of the Lumang Syndicate, has become a monastic martial arts expert and is willing to share his enlightenment.

Reignited Yunsang — "Newly Enlightened"

Yunsang, the former leader of the Lumang Syndicate, has become a monastic martial arts expert and is willing to share his enlightenment.


Merchant Shop — Kangcha

Completion Rewards



Two Against One

A Raucous Reunion

Yunsang Reignited


Yunsang's Swan Song

Top of the Tower

Once More to the 20th Floor

Yunsang Sings the Blues

Debunking the Monk

My Tower Now

A Very Brief Reunion